All we can say is, "Thank You!" Without you guys we couldn't have done the 2nd Monkey Gamer Awards. Together, we casted over 30,000 votes! Now, I think I should stop talking now and start giving out some Marty the Monkey awards!

Best Video Game Character:
When this poll was released, it was a tight one between Batman and Mario. Through out the weeks, Batman was dominating on the votes. But, did Mario plan a comeback? Let's check on Brock from Pokémon to check who will receive the Marty the Monkey award.

"The Caped Crusader Batman Wins!"
Congratulations to Batman on bringing a Marty the Monkey award back to Gotham City!
Best Video Game Villain:
Once voting started, Diablo dominated this poll. But, Jessie from Pokémon was right behind Diablo. Can Diablo take the award or will someone else will? Let's check on Grandmoff Tarkin from Star Wars to check who will receive the Marty the Monkey award.

"Diablo Wins Just Don't Kill Me!"
Congratulations to Diablo on winning his first Marty the Monkey award.
Best Video Game Company:
When this poll was released, Nintendo, the favorite to win had an overwhelming lead. But, Nintendo's rival, SEGA didn't give up, yet. Can Nintendo earn it's 2nd straight Marty the Monkey award or can a different company take it all? Let's check on Para Troopa from Mario to check who won.

"Not Surprised Nintendo Wins!"
Congratulations to Nintendo on winning it's 2nd straight Marty the Monkey award.
Best Classic Video Game:
This overall poll is my favorite. All of these video games are just classics and is a tough one to vote for. Overall, it was a tight one. So let's check on Baby Pac-Man to check who won.

"Congratulations To Space Invaders!"
Congratulations to Space Invaders on winning their 1st Marty the Monkey award.
Best App:
Once this poll was released, it was a tight one between Angry Birds and Draw Something. Overall, this is the Monkey Gamer Awards so ANYTHING can happen. So, let's check on Slam Bam from Skylanders to check who won.

"Angry Birds Wins Again!"
Congratulations to Angry Birds on winning it's 2nd Marty the Monkey award.
Best Video Game:
This poll had great nominees. It was a tight one with all these awesome 5 games. But, only 1 can win. So, let's check on Sack Boy from Little Big Planet to check who will receive the Marty the Monkey award.

"Diablo III Wins I Love That Game!"
Congratulations to Diablo on winning it's 2nd Marty the Monkey award.
Best Dynamic Duo:
When this poll started, it was a tight one. So, let's check on R2-D2 from Star Wars to check out who won.

"Those Guys Batman and Robin Wins!"
Congratulations to Batman & Robin on winning it's 2nd Marty the Monkey award! The two brought 2 awards to Gotham City!
Best Virtual World:
When this poll opened, Club Penguin totally racked up on votes. But, can the 4 other virtual worlds plan a comeback? Let's check on Birdo from Mario to check out who won.

"Yay Club Penguin Wins!"
Congratulations to Club Penguin on winning their 1st Marty the Monkey award.
Best Silliest Game:
Once this poll started, it was a tight one between Happy Wheels and Moby Dick 2. Who will win the Marty the Monkey award? Let's check on Crazy Dave from Plants VS. Zombies to check who won.

"Ughhh Sad No Happy Whhaaa Wheels Ehhh Wins?"
Congratulations to Happy Wheels on winning it's 1st Marty the Monkey award.
Best Role-Playing Game:
This poll was tight for the whole time. So, let's check on Piccolo from Dragon Ball Z to check out who won.

"The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Wins!"
Congratulations to Skyrim on winning their 1st Marty the Monkey Award.
Best First-Person Shooter:
Overall, this poll was a tight one also. Like I said, anything can happen at the 2nd Monkey Gamer Awards. So, let's check on Crash from the Crash Series to check out who won.

Congratulations to Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3!
Congrats again to COD: MW3 on winning!
Well, that's a wrap for the 2nd Monkey Gamer Awards! When's the 3rd Monkey Gamer Awards you ask? Once Monkey Gamer Reviews reaches 1,000,000 hits! So, keep a look at the hit counter day-by-day!
So, what did you think about the 2nd Monkey Gamer Awards? In a comment below, tell us what you loved about the award show. Until then... Game On!
Missed the 1st Monkey Gamer Awards? We got you covered. Click here to view the 1st Monkey Gamer Awards.
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