Their are many types of gamers out there. There are serious gamers, true gamers, and some are just plain out cheaters. But, Rockstar Games has an interesting way of dealing with cheaters; isolate the cheaters and make them play against each other.

"We're aware that a small minority of players are spoiling the Max Payne 3 multiplayer experience for honest players with cheats and hacks, and while certain issues will be dealt with in forthcoming title updates, today we'd like to make it clear that anyone using these nefarious methods will be dealt with," Rockstar Games said in a blog post.
Rockstar has created an area called the "Cheaters Pool," where it will toss in any players who cheat. Once confined in that area, they'll only be able to play against others who have used cheats like invincibility hacks, infinite adrenaline or score boosters.
Honestly, I think this is a great idea by Rockstar Games. Now, just think about it, I think they should add this in MW3.
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