A fun, family-friendly game, Quantum Conundrum brings the whole family together in a clever, first-person puzzle game.

Quantum Conundrum is a fun science related kind of game. Usually, science is sort of boring sometimes. But, Quantum Conundrum takes science into a whole new different level. The different breeds of dimensions have fun objectives. While, the puzzles are clever and challenging at the same time. Although, Quantum Conundrum sadly has some bad parts also in the game. The elements that bring the different platforms brought to life are weak and struggles to impress gamers.

The rewarding game of Quantum Conundrum is a fun science video game. But, still lacks at some weak moments of action. Overall, this game is highly recommended to play with your family and not just by yourself! Quantum Conundrum is a fun game that you can explore in four, five, six, seven dimensions and you still have fun! I rate this game, a 7.5 out of 10.
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