Friday, August 16, 2013

CLASSIC SATURDAYS: Diddy Kong Racing (90s N64) Review

It seems that during my childhood, racing games were everywhere with hits like Mario Kart 64. And now, we have Diddy Kong Racing. Though some people thought it was a Mario Kart clone, just with Diddy Kong characters, I found that they were different from a lot of ways and I still had tons of fun smashing buttons on my N64 controller.

What separates Diddy Kong Racing from the Mario Kart series is that in DKR, you can use from a plain ol' car, to an airplane. Or even better a hovercraft! The game offers your favorite Donkey Kong characters from Banjo to Conker, even Drumstick! It's ten characters really outscores the eight characters you can choose from in Mario Kart 64. The multiplayer is great and is filled with endless fun and can get pretty intense when you're playing with friends. Although, some bosses were just too difficult and I doubt few kids during the late 90s defeated Wizpig.

I love Donkey Kong and I loved Diddy Kong Racing. The game will have a special place in my heart and I try my best for the game cartridge to not collect dust. I still remember the day when I finally defeated Wizpig after hours and hours of holding in my rage. Overall, the game is loved by man people including me so I rate Diddy Kong Racing a 8.5 out of 10.

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