Thursday, August 8, 2013

TOP 5 FRIDAYS: Top 5 Pokemon

Hey guys, MG here with Top 5 Fridays.  This Top 5 Fridays is going to be about the awesome Pokemon legacy.  So, on with the countdown!
5: Gyarados

Gyarados is an original Water type, and he is always a good support but can also be an offensive if you teach him the correct attacks.  His only real rock in the river is the fact that his first evolution, Magicarp is virtually un-evolvable without an Exp. Share unless you are in a double or triple battle, which can also end badly with Magicarp in the field.

4: Infernape

Infernape is a perfect tank Pokemon which is virtually unstopable against Pokemon that are weak to Infernape or are equal in strength, but if you fight a Water or Flying type pokemon you have no chance because both of them are extremely effective on Infernape.

3: Alakazam

Alakazam is a very interesting Pokemon who serves a offensive and defensive role in battles.  His Psycic moves generally weaken the other Pokemon significantly but can also give perks to himself and/ or his team.  Alakazam is a extremely difficult pokemon to catch if you want to raise it as Abra instead of Kadabra which is a very tactical Pokemon as well.  Overall, this Pokemon comes in at 3.

2: Zekrom

Zekrom was bred for tanking the field and is utterly beastly expet for his Dragon characteristics.  his Dragon moves are not very effective against many, but the ones they are effective to take a beating from moves like Dragon Tail or Dragon Rage.

1: Electross

Electross has no weaknesses and is strong against many so it puts him in the unstoppable boat, so if he was in the wild you would beat the game in a hour.  Electross has no 'negative' traits about him excpet that his name SUCKS really bad, but he is mostly Awesome.

Stay tuned for Classic Saturdays!

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