Thursday, August 15, 2013

Plants vs Zombies 2 Review - MGR SELECT

PopCaps' long awaited sequel to Plants vs Zombies is finally here... for FREE! The game totally lives up to it's name of "Plants vs Zombies 2: It's About Time". Yes, indeed it's about time. The game just came out today in America and I'm already sucked in. I think this has potential to be the next Candy Crush. Although, it's obviously better than Candy Crush.

It's about time for Plants vs Zombies 2! The title really makes sense to be honest with you guys. Anyways, in Plants vs Zombies 2, PopCap takes you to three new worlds where zombies that are themed well with the location. For example, if you're in Ancient Egypt, the zombies will be wrapped up with toilet paper just like an ancient mummy. The setting really works well and it's pretty cool. The three worlds, Ancient Egypt, 1679 Pirate Sea, and 1850 Wild West. In my opinion, seeing these three maps are much more entertaining than just a normal lawn in a zombie infected neighborhood.

What I also loved about Plants vs Zombies is it's new plants and zombies. It really enhances the new game experience and will have you laughing at some of these creative plant names such as the Bonk Choy. Also what was added is Plant Food. When you get a leaf after killing a glowing zombie, you can use that leaf and give the special powers to a plant. I find the power ups pretty pointless. I mean is it really needed? All the plants are the same right?

Anyways, Plants vs Zombies 2 is fantastic and PopCap had done a great job on making the long awaited reboot. After all, the game sure does live up to it's name, IT'S FINALLY HERE! Overall, Plants vs Zombies 2 is a great game and it definitely deserves to be a MGR Select and to get the grade of a 8.5 out of 10.


What is a MGR Select? A MGR Select is a favored game that we love at Monkey Gamer Reviews and we all recommended it to you and your friends. 

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